White Waves Education Consulting services to school districts on a comprehensive trauma-informed implementation.
According to the 2019 NYSCOSS report “Treading Water”, school superintendents in NYS have been most concerned about students’ mental health, citing this as a growing priority for three years in a row in their budgets. [1]
Sixty-seven percent of [New York State school] superintendents identified improving student mental health services as a top three funding priority, up from 56% in 2018 and from 35% in 2016. Improving these services was the most widely cited priority for all categories of districts we examined, whether grouped as city, suburb, or rural, or by region, or by financial outlook, or by percentages of students in poverty. [1] https://www.nyscoss.org/img/uploads/2019-20_Advocacy/2019-11-Finance-Survey-Report-FINAL.pdf
What can K-12 school leaders do to prepare for addressing student mental health concerns?
Step 1 – Read my article on The Nine Facets of a Comprehensive Trauma-Informed School Organization.
To book a complimentary one-hour consultation phone call, send an email to SusanCiminelli@WhiteWavesEducation.com
In addition helping leaders develop and oversee a districtwide trauma-informed implementation plan, we provide staff training. Here are some of the topics:
- Childhood Trauma (ACEs), It’s Prevalence and surprising Impact in Schools
- How Do We Know We are Trauma-Informed? Using YOUR data to measure successful implementation.
- Bringing Down the Barriers that Hinder Progress in building positive School Culture
- Utilizing Brain Science to triumph over ACEs adverse impact on learning and memory.
- Dispelling Myths than Undermine Academic and Behavioral Success
- Collaborative and Proactive Solutions – Proven Techniques for Effectively Addressing Challenging Student Behaviors within a Trauma-Informed Practice
In addition to my career experience as a NYS certified public school teacher and administrator, I’ve trained directly with –
- the Traumatic Stress Institute in their Risking Connection© training and the ARTIC Scale Survey
- Dr. Ross Greene, author of “Lost at School” and Collaborative and Proactive Solutions model for addressing student behavior
- Dr. Eric Jensen, author of “Teaching with The Brain In Mind” and “Poor Students, Rich Teaching” and over 25 other titles.
- I am listed with ACESconnection in their Speaker/Trainer Bureau (click here)
For more information on teacher trainings click here for details on Workshops.
Visit our content site at https://traumasensitiveclassrooms.com/